Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Let's wiki.

I enjoyed looking at the Bull Run Library's website where I read the wikis for community events and local news. I would like to see wikis at the MCPL website for community events. Currently, we have teen and adult recommendations on line. I think we should give blogging a chance. Will there be more readers blogging about their books? I enjoyed reading blogs about librarians and teen programs from other bloggers.

I also read the official wiki site of the ALA conference. I like to see additional"official wiki" sites to other events.

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Two Cents on Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the Future

I read the two articles from Michael Stephens and Rick Anderson. I agreed with Mr. Stephen's article that the "library is human."

I agreed with the author that "the world and library users changes with advancing technology." However, people still come to the library to borrow materials, participate in a book discussion, read a newspaper or magazine as well as research for materials on-line which may need the services of a librarian.

The MCPL database has included blogs,tags and links for patrons who are interested in seeing what the libraries offered. For example,I wished computers were available and I can check out the "Teensite" when I was in middle and high school. There are links to ask-a-librarian", a reference service and "askusnow", a 24 hour live chat service. These are the same teens who also want a recommendation of a book from a librarian.

This concludes my two cents.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Technorati and blogs from fans with little or no authority and experts.

I did a keyword search for "learning 2.0" in blog posts, tags and the blog directory. I find that the results are different when I clicked on the box that listed bloggers with some, little or a lot of authority. Very interesting. The numbers get smaller when I used the blog tags.

I'm still in shock to see several women celebrities are among the top searches by bloggers. On the other hand, I enjoyed checking out the links of the top 100 blogs by fans and also the top 100 blogs by bloggers with authority.

Much as I liked exploring Technorati, I did not signed up as a new member. I found myself a little overwhelmed although I enjoyed looking at the videos and tags on food.

Saturday, October 3, 2009 delicious.

I enjoyed tagging and bookmarking my delicious account as well as using my own keywords. I made a file of my young adult collection and I enjoyed seeing what other users have said about the same books I have read or planning on reading. I added the Librarything and Montgomery county Teensite to my bookmarks.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Roll over, Rollyo

I worked on this Thing for a LONG TIME because it takes a LONG time to get to the site. I am not happy with this website ,even after my good buddy helped me with this THING. Here is the link for all the "Ugly Betty" episodes. Why "Ugly Betty?" I love NYC and the people who make it or trying to make it in the Big Apple.